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It appears as though Mother Nature will force us to slow down a bit this weekend.

I am not going to lie, I love a good opportunity to hunker down, get snowed in and have zero places I need to be other then back and forth to the wood stove.

I had drafted this note to be down to the nuts and bolts of how to prepare your home for the Winter conditions. Direct and quick. But  after our company meeting this morning that changed.

One topic we discussed was the need for speed in everything we do these days. The world around us is moving so quickly which affects quality and pace. 

But what if we slow down and focus on the craft? Focus on the unknown obstacle we may come up against and use a quality approach for a proper finish? 

Yes, that is more in line with our brand and culture.

So while I do want to share some tips to be prepared this weekend 

(below– because really I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t)

I also encourage you to take the opportunity to slow down and just

 enjoy watching the snow fall.

As promised:

As the temperature falls below freezing:

Turn up your heat, you want the pipes warm to avoid freezing.

Open cabinet doors that house piping.

Leave a light trickle in your sink overnight.

With the upcoming snow:

Clear walkways.

Roof rake to avoid weight on your roof.

Clear gutters for proper drainage and to prevent ice dams.

Check in on your HVAC equipment to ensure it is working properly.

Stay safe this weekend, and always.

“When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.” Unknown

I am always here for you.

Email me at with any questions or service requests.