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I think I forget to remind you. I am listening to you.

Of course this should be felt as opposed to telling you but sometimes don’t we need to hear it too?

I like the reassurance that someone listened; not just heard the words but really listened to me.

I had the HONOR to attend The Women in Residential Construction Conference last week with Allison and Angela (pictured above basking in the warm Arizona air). When I say honor, it was just that. I sat among hundreds of other women who felt just as lucky. Isn’t that wild? We all felt equal and relevant without having to say a word.

One of the many topics discussed which really resonated with me was just a bullet point in a larger presentation but I couldn’t get it out of my head. The word listening. Do my clients, architects, trades, and team members KNOW that I am in fact listening?

I sure hope so.

We are constantly trying to stay in the know and improve. Do we offer the service you need or even want? Do you feel like we try our darnedest to get the job done for you? Do you wish we could…?

What is it that you need? What are you telling us that we aren’t hearing? How can we improve?

“Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit over ego,
others over self.” —Dean Jackson

I am always here for you.

Please call us at 508-435-3170!