Are you familiar with our Home Handoff process?
It seems I share a lot about our services but not as much about how you get started on them!
But there IS a very robust process to transition the larger jobs to on-going service, and since it’s fresh in my mind I wanted to share it.
Believe it or not, we actually begin thinking about the post project, on-going services at the project kick off meeting. This could be a year or more from when the Home Department team will actually be in your home, but we have found if we start out well together, we end well together. Continuity from the project onset provides a huge benefit for intel on future service.
Here’s what I mean. From that early meeting, I begin tracking. Throughout the job the project team and I work on the project job book – all the details you could ever want to have at your fingertips about selections, finishes, colors…details, details, details. All the way up to the end.
Then comes Home Hand Off Day.
A favorite day of mine anyway, but especially on a 60-degree day in March like yesterday when I purposely parked at the Boston Common Garage so I could enjoy the sunshine with an extra bit of a walk to the meeting. I caught myself laughing, watching a black lab chase a frisbee and then “bathe” in the closest puddle, much to its owner’s distress.
I think I was filled with as much excitement as that pup catching that frisbee and bathing in that puddle.
Being able to meet our Build project homeowners after a project has completed is magical. Everyone has a lot of energy. The homeowner can finally get settled and really enjoy the space they have waited so patiently for. Me, I get to see the final product. These are no ordinary projects we do. Our homes are as unique as the homeowners, and it is so inspiring to know FHPB was involved in creating such a beautiful space. The love and refined craft that went into every.single.detail is truly extraordinary to take in.
At the handoff we review the project, get a better understanding of access for HVAC mechanicals, water shut offs and insight into any home idiosyncrasies that will help us maintain the home’s integrity for years to come. We present the job book as the helpful tool it is for any future work or resource while getting settled into their new space. We introduce the process to schedule a maintenance, or a warranty call and I do my best to assure our clients I am there for them in the same way their project manager was during the project.
Because we are not going anywhere.
We also provide a maintenance list which will help outline the recommended services. We will hold this list for you and begin scheduling trades accordingly, seasonal or on-going. All are tracked in our software regardless of how much sooner or later anything needs to be scheduled.
Do you have questions, want to know more about our process… or even just trade funny dog stories? Give me a shout!
“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”
– Louis Nizer