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The annual awards recognize outstanding achievement in the remodeling industry nationwide. Liz was one of 6 recipients in the “Sales and Marketing” category. Liz joined F.H. Perry Builder in 2016 and has been a significant contributor to the growth and development of the Home Division of the company. Liz was noted by Professional Remodeler for her ability to leverage her empathy for homeowners to help keep the projects moving. We couldn’t agree more.

In a Humans-of-New-York-esque write up, here is what was published in the April issue of the magazine:

I was in property management when I moved into remodeling. So I came with not so much craft knowledge, but a great ability to empathize with a homeowner over issues they’re experiencing in the home. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to succeed at FH Perry. Take, for instance, a client we had recently who’d been having a hard time with the construction. Tensions were high and progress on the project had stalled in the planning stage. So I came in.

I started by leveling with her, saying, “I know this feels uncomfortable for you. It feels uncomfortable for me too.” I told her we can take breaks, come back to things. The point was that we had to do x, y, and z, and if we talk honestly with one another we can make progress surely, even if slowly. That got the ball rolling and now the project is happy and the trust has been restored.

We are so proud that Liz was recognized for this National honor and are even more proud of her continued commitment and dedication to ensuring our clients actually have a positive experience in construction; Liz will be sure of it.

I am always here for you.

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