Today’s newsletter is not about what we do or the services we offer, but sometimes more importantly who we are.
At last Friday’s bi-weekly company meeting, we performed a different kind of work. We put the pencils away, shut out the outside noise and listened to each other.
It was powerful.
The homework was to bring “a something”– something that is special for any reason and then share the significance behind it to the the group.
And let me tell you, it did not disappoint!
While I’ll keep the details private (because there is something special about keeping that part to ourselves) just know there was such a mix to share: photos, shoes, books, instruments, wooden turtles, jewelry…each with a meaningful significance or a deep story behind it.
The exercise created a way for us to experiment with our collective comfort. What is it like to bring your vulnerable self and share? What did we notice participating in a company meeting like this? What changed between us? How will we work together differently because we leaned in and practiced being a support to each other? So much of who we are is in our work, so we need to understand each other from that level to build beautiful things together.
We are all about the fine details, the craft, the service, the client-centric focus and the projects. But we recognize that none of this is possible if we don’t also apply the same focus to ourselves and our relationships as colleagues; humans with personal lives, stories, memories, hardships, and celebrations.
So, as I close out this week with this continued deepened sense of community and closeness, I feel stronger as a team to service you. I know how deeply we each care, not only about our fellow team members at F.H. Perry, but for our extended teams of trades partners, architects & designers, and clients.
We hope you feel that care in everything we do. After last Friday, I can attest that it’s a deep and vital part of this Company.
Let us know if you need more of it.
“I’m not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
I am always here for you.
Email me at eathorn@fhperry.com with any questions or service requests.