Winter 2021/2022 Covid-19 Updates
Work Site Provisions and Requirements
F.H Perry Builder is committed to the health and safety of all our employees, trade partners, design partners and clients on every project.
For the safety of all people on site, FHPB will maintain protocols to ensure safety and consistency.
Each site will continue the following protocols to ensure the health and safety of all individuals:
Mask wearing mandated at all times for all individuals on site who are not fully vaccinated unless outside.
Maintain six feet of distance whenever possible.
Signage posted providing clear direction for proper adherence.
Arrival station with sanitizing equipment and thermometer
QR Code for contact tracing and self-certification checklist.
Backstock of PPE for emergency use.
Disinfectants and a cleaning protocol to sanitize sites frequently.
Hand washing stations remain available and hand washing is strongly recommended upon entry to the job site; wash with soap for at least 20 seconds in provided hand wash stations and/or use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer provided.
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at F.H. Perry Builder