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At F.H. Perry Builder we hold our values in high regard; maybe that is why we call them our Core Values.







Every two weeks we get together as a whole company at our Community Meeting. It’s a time to see the faces we don’t get to see day to day. It’s a time to reflect on how we do stay connected by using these values in our everyday life.

Some weeks we discuss moments of struggle, some, celebration. There are always days in the mix that either just doesn’t go as planned or days we have a wonderful surprise.

These values? They ensure that no matter what, we are bringing our utmost transparent selves to the table with an empathic and adaptable way to communicate that we are all human, all while maintaining our refined quality.

(See what I did there?)

We bring our core values to your home daily; non-negotiable.

Let us know how we’re doing.

“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” – Roy Disney

I am always here for you.

Email me at with any questions or service requests.